Yan Fernandes
Full Stack Engineer focused on building products with extra attention to details
As Full Stack Developer, I've been instrumental in advancing diverse projects, transforming concepts into tangible solutions. Thriving in collaborative team settings, I actively contribute to tasks, bolstering the team's overall success. My skill set is centered around TypeScript, React/Next.js, Vue, Node.js, and React Native for mobile development. Additionally, I'm cultivating an interest in the exciting realm of Blockchain technology, eager to explore its potential applications in the evolving landscape of software development.
Work Experience
Sats CapitalRemote
Full Stack Engineer
Branef IT SolutionsPart Time
Developer Internship → Front End Developer
Universidade Católica de Salvador
University of Michigan
Polls Node
Polls-Node is an application for creating and voting on polls in real-time, using Fastify, Node.js, Redis, TypeScript, Docker, PostgreSQL, and WebSockets.
Short URL Node API
This is a simple API for shortening URLs and tracking click metrics.
Node Checkin Project
Node Checkin is an application designed to manage participants in in-person events. The tool allows the organizer to register an event, open a public registration page, and provides a set of RESTful API
PIE Token is an Ethereum-based cryptocurrency utilizing the Binance Smart Chain (BNB Test) to generate liquidity through operations
Go Opportunities API
This project provides a Go API to manage job openings, using the Gin framework for routing and GORM for database interaction.
light-starter CLI
This is a simple CLI to create a Node.js boilerplate project with TypeScript ( tsx + tsup ), Express / Fastify, ESLint, Prettier, Husky + Lint-staged, and Vitest
Press ⌘ or Ctrl +J to open the command menu